Beow ruled the Danes after Sheafson. Beow’s only child, Halfdane ruled after and had four children of his own: Heorogar, Hrothgar, Halga, and a daughter. Halfdane, according to an early source, says that his mother was Swedish making him half Danish/Swedish. Ironically enough, his daughter was a peace pledge between the Swedes and the Danes.
HEIRS: Shield’s Beow Halfdane Hrothgar
Ln. 70. “…meant to be a wonder of the world forever…” Heorot: Meaning “Hall of the Hart” (male dear) or “Stag” a symbol of royalty. Hrothgar made a great mead hall. The tone of this sentence hints at the fact that it was MEANT to be. It foreshadows that it doesn’t end up being forever.
Ln. 71. "… it would be his throne-room and there he would dispense his God-given goods to young and old – but not the common land or people’s lives..” This makes Hrothgar a good king. He rewards his people with treasures and gifts that he is able to give (a theme). Even though he has the power to do so many things, he won’t give commonly used land away or unlawfully kill his people.
Ln. 81. “…. The hall towered, its gables wide and high awaiting a barbarous burning…” another foreshadow to hint that the great hall Heorot doesn’t last.
Ln. 70 - outstanding entry. It was MEANT to be.