Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hamlet Act 1 Scene 4

8) In scene 4, what is Hamlet talking about in lines 13-38?

Hamlet is talking about the tradition his kingdom has with partying. Even though people look down on their country because of it, they continue to do it because it's a custom. He says that people think of them more for their drunkenness than their achievements as a country. It has affected their reputation.

This could be bad for their country because it could make other countries to consider them weak and attack them.

9) Why doesn’t Horatio want Hamlet to follow the ghost?

Horatio, told Hamlet that he didn't want him to follow the ghost because, "what if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord" he thinks that the ghost will drive him to insanity. He compares the depths of the sea to confusion. The ghost has the ability to confuse Hamlet and make him go crazy.

10) What is Hamlet’s command to the three guards?

Hamlet knows that the ghost isn't going to speak if him and the ghost aren't alone so he told the guards to let them go even though they didn't want him to. He said that his soul is immortal as the ghost so he doesn't mind if it brings any harm to him. He wants to know what the ghost has to say. 

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