Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 Types of Rhythm

Iamb: a metrical foot consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable.

     Examples: behold, amuse, arise, awake, return, Noel, depict, destroy, inject, inscribe, insist, employ, "to be," inspire, unwashed, "Of Mice and Men," "the South will rise again."

Trochee: a metrical foot consisting of one long or stressed syllable followed by one short or unstressed syllable.

     Examples: happy, hammer, Pittsburgh, nugget, double, incest, injure, roses, hippie, bubba, beat it, clever, dental, dinner, shatter, pitcher, Cleveland, chosen, planet, chorus, widow, bladder, cuddle, slacker, doctor, Memphis, "Doctor Wheeler," "Douglas County," market, picket

Anapest: a metrical foot consisting of two short or unstressed syllables followed by one long or stressed syllable.

    Examples: understand, interrupt, comprehend, anapest, New Rochelle, contradict, "get a life," Coeur d'Alene, "In the blink of an eye"

Dactyl: a metrical foot consisting of one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables or (in Greek and Latin) one long syllable followed by two short syllables.

     Examples: strawberry, carefully, changeable, merrily, mannequin, tenderly, prominent, buffalo, Bellingham, bitterly, notable, horrible, glycerin, parable, scorpion, Indianapolis, Jefferson

Spondee: a metrical foot consisting of two long (or stressed) syllables.

     Examples: football, Mayday, D-Day, heartbreak, Key West, shortcake, plop- plop, fizz-fizz, drop-dead, dead man, dumbbell, childhood, goof- off, race-track, bathrobe, black hole, breakdown, love-song


Foot type      Style                    Stress Pattern                                       Syllable count

Iamb              Iambic                Unstressed + Stressed                                Two

Trochee         Trochaic             Stressed + Unstressed                                Two

Spondee        Spondaic             Stressed + Stressed                                    Two

Anapest        Anapestic            Unstressed + Unstressed + Stressed          Three

Dactyl           Dactylic              Stressed + Unstressed + Unstressed          Three

1 comment:

  1. Good notes. Now when you use some of the words above you can tell what type of stress (or rhythm) pattern you are using.

    Don't use too many spondees.
